The Orphan of Zhao (The Royal Shakespeare Company);赵氏孤儿(皇家莎士比亚剧团)

The Orphan of Zhao (British Production)

Genre: drama (in English)

Produced by Royal Shakespeare Company, Britain, 2012.

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Adaptation: James Fenton

Director: Gregory Doran

Designer: Niki Turner

Performers: Jeremy Avis, Stephen Ventura, Joe Dixon, Philip Whitchurch, Patrick Romer, James Tucker, Lloyd Hutchinson, Matthew Aubrey, Adam Burton, Youssef Kerkour, Siu Hun Li, Joan Iyiola, Lucy Briggs-Owen, Susan Momoko Hingley, Graham Turner, Nia Gwynne, Jake Fairbrother, Chris Lew Kum Hoi

Background to the production:

The Royal Shakespeare Company called their winter season 2012 “A World Elsewhere”. During this season, the RSC looked beyond Shakespeare and attempted to discover what was happening around the globe during Shakespeare’s life time. The RSC assembled an ethnically diverse company to present three world classics, Chinese play The Orphan of Zhao was one of them; the other two were Alexander Pushkin’s Boris Godunov and Bertolt Brecht’s A Life of Galileo.

The Orphan of Zhao was the first Chinese play that the RSC had ever presented, and it was the first play Gregory Doran directed as the Artistic Director of the company. The first performance of the production took place on 30 October 2012 at the Swan Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon.


(Taken from the Programme)

The Emperor and his favourite minister Tu’an Gu are committed to be pursuit of pleasure. Three good counsellors, Zhao Dun, Gongsun Chujiu and Wei Jiang, remonstrate with the Emperor about his excesses. Gongsun is banished, Wei Jiang exiles himself but Zhao Dun, who is married to the Emperor’s daughter, decides to stay. Tu’an Gu plots against Zhao Dun and finally massacres his clan and forces the minster to kill himself, leaving behind pregnant wife. Tu’an Gu has the Princess guarded until she gives birth. If she has a son, he will be killed.

Dr Cheng Ying comes to deliver the Princess’s baby. However, she has already given birth and pleads with him to smuggle the boy out. When Tu’an Gu realises that the orphan of Zhao has escaped, he decrees that unless the baby is returned every male child born in that month will be killed. Cheng Ying seeks the advice of Gongsun and they agree to double-bluff Tu’an Gu by leaving Cheng Ying’s son – who is the same age as the orphan – with Gongsun, who then encourages Cheng Ying to denounce him to Tu’an Gu. Tu’an Gu raids Gongsun’s house and kills the baby, believing it to be the orphan. Tu’an Gu, as reward for Cheng Ying’s good’ deed, decides to adopt his son, unaware he is the orphan.

Eighteen years pass. Wei Jiang is informed that the Emperor is dying and returns to the capital to prevent Tu’an Gu from usurping the throne.

Cheng Bo (the orphan, now grown) begins to realise that terrible abuses are being committed by the Emperor and Tu’an Gu. He feels a conflict of loyalty between the two ‘fathers’. One day, he meets the Princess. Cheng Ying finally reveals the orphan’s true identity by means of a painted scroll.

-James Fenton

Up to this point, the British adaptation generally follows the Chinese plot. However, there is a new epilogue, in which Cheng Ying and the ghost of his son meet. This gives the neglected figure in all Chinese Orphan productions, Cheng Ying’s sacrificed son, a voice. It also offers adapters (the scriptwriter, director and all the performers) a way to complete Cheng Ying’s journey. The whole play ends as follows:

Cheng Ying

My wronged son, my love, place your cold hand here in the fold of my gown, and show me how to hold the knife. I do not lack courage but I doubt my strength and skill. Help me to die.


The moon is sharp on the blade. Hold it here below the rib. And if you do truly love me, I shall taste it in your heart’s blood.

Cheng Ying

Place your hand on my hand. Help me direct the blade.


There. The Ghost tastes the heart’s blood.

You love me. You always did love me.

And now you belong to me for ever.


-James Fenton, The Orphan of Zhao, Faber and Faber, 2012, p. 70.

Images and the video are courtesy of Royal Shakespear Company.




改编:James Fenton

导演: Gregory Doran

设计:Niki Turner

演员: Jeremy Avis, Stephen Ventura, Joe Dixon, Philip Whitchurch, Patrick Romer, James Tucker, Lloyd Hutchinson, Matthew Aubrey, Adam Burton, Youssef Kerkour, Siu Hun Li, Joan Iyiola, Lucy Briggs-Owen, Susan Momoko Hingley, Graham Turner, Nia Gwynne, Jake Fairbrother, Chris Lew Kum Hoi



《赵氏孤儿》是皇家莎士比亚剧团上演的第一部中国戏剧,也是Gregory Doran上任剧团艺术总监以后导演的第一部作品。《赵氏孤儿》首演于2012年10月30日斯特拉福镇的天鹅剧院。







- 詹姆士芬顿(英语改编本的作者)

至此为止,英语改编本的剧情基本上完全按照中国原剧的发展。但是,该剧有一个全新的尾声。在尾声里,程婴去儿子的墓地,与儿子的鬼魂有一场对话。这一尾声给予了这个在所有中国《赵氏孤儿》演出中被并不出现的人物,即,被献出去的程婴的亲子与父亲对话的机会,(一般来说,中国演出里的这个男婴以一个抱在公主的手里的 、裹在襁褓里的“假孩子” 道具出现)。同时,正是这个尾声使得英国改编者(编剧、导演和演员)得以让程婴有了一个完整的“行程”。剧本最后的结尾如下:

程 婴


鬼 魂


程 婴


鬼 魂







Audience Type
The Orphan of Zhao (The Royal Shakespeare Company);赵氏孤儿(皇家莎士比亚剧团): , 2012


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